Saturday, September 18, 2010

Position Sizing Strategy

Now that the market is in a short term downtrend and stock tip threads have mostly disappeared I think it is a good time to discuss what is really important in trading - Position Sizing / Money Management Strategies. I Would like to hear/discuss the different sorts of position sizing strategies experienced traders here use for stock trading.

For new traders:

"Position Sizing" is the way you determine the number of shares of a stock you would buy when you decide to initiate a trade (and also how many shares you would continue to hold throughout the duration of the trade). It also decides how much equity will be allocated to a single position. Position Sizing is used by everyone even though they might not think about it (usually traders just buy 100 or 50 shares or any number that they are comfortable with or can afford). But good position sizing is what makes or breaks a trader, it is the strategy that keeps a trader in the business longer. It turns a mediocre trading system into an excellent one (but won't help a losing system).

The most popular/recommended position sizing strategy is to risk not more than 2% on any single position.

New traders - make sure you go thru' previous threads in "Risk & Money Management" section of this forum, there are good posts on risk & money mgmt by Traderji & CreditViolet.

Books on position sizing:

Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom by Dr. Van Tharp
Portfolio Management Formulas by Ralph Vince
The Mathematics of Money Management by Ralph Vince
The Trading Game by Ryan Jones

My Strategy:

I use a combination of percent risk & percent volatility strategy. Here are the rules I use:

- My main aim is to ensure that I stay in the business longer so my trading system gets a fair chance to realise its potential.
- No position should be greater than 10% of my total trading equity
- I don't risk more than 1% of my total trading equity on any single position
- I make sure my positions are "volatility balanced". In other words I make sure that all my positions fluctuate approximately the same each day in the market. I do this using Average True Range of the stock.


Say I am planning to buy HINDLEVER, here is what I would do to determine the number of shares I would buy:

Total Equity : 100,000.00
Max Equity for each trade : 10,000.00 (10% of total equity)
Risk Amount : 1,000.00 (1% of total equity)
Volatility Amount : 500.00 (0.5% of total equity. This is the fluctuation level per day per position)

Average True Range (10 Day Avg) : 5.63
Last Market Closing Price : 173.20 (For simplicity assume this is the entry price)
Stop Loss at : 163.40 (Will get out just below previous reaction low)

Number of shares to buy (percent risk model) = Risk Amount / (Entry Price - Stop Loss Price)
Number of shares to buy (percent risk model) = 1000 / (173.20 - 163.40)
Number of shares to buy (percent risk model) = 102 Shares

Number of shares to buy (percent volatility model) = Volatility Amount / Average True Range (10 Day)
Number of shares to buy (percent volatility model) = 500 / 5.63
Number of shares to buy (percent volatility model) = 88 shares

Number of shares to buy (based on Max Equity for each trade) = Max Equity for each trade / Last Market Closing Price
Number of shares to buy (based on Max Equity for each trade) = 10000 / 173.20
Number of shares to buy (based on Max Equity for each trade) = 57 shares

I will buy minimum number of shares determined from the above three models. So in the above case I would buy 57 shares.

So here is what I basically do. I am still trying to fine tune these things. The above parameters used are what I am currently using but I am in the process of doing trial & error to come up with parameters that fit me well. I would now like to hear what the experienced traders here do.

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